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Parental involvement is one of the most significant factors in a student's high school success.  That includes parents attending parent-teacher nights, serving on booster boards and site committees, using online resources and technology to review assignments and grades, and regularly engaging with teachers and administrators in our schools.


Teachers and administrations need to effectively engage parents and understand that a student's education is a shared responsibility.  A note or email from a parent should be addressed timely, and both teachers and parents should have a shared respect for each other's part in the educational process of each student.  Well run schools understand this partnership and have effective communications between parents and the administration and teachers.  

Teachers and administrators also need to reach out to the student who is struggling and recognize those who might not have as much support in the home.  These students have a greater need, and those in our schools need to stand ready to be of assistance and direct school and community resources to help such students.  


I have participated in many school board meetings and advocated for more meaningful dialogue between parents and administrators.  I have served on site committees wherein we have shared ideas of how parents' input is essential to the success of each school campus.  I have assisted with many school-related activities over many years and have seen upfront how parents can and will make an essential impact on the educational experience. 


Over the past two years, I have met with and listened to parent groups and discussed how our school administrators could better share information.  One key element for parents is the mental health concerns of students.  I have spent considerable time working with Tempe Union High School committees and the Tempe Coalition in finding ways to help parents and students find pathways to a more successful future.

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